Comunidad de estudiantes BCC

Conoce la experiencia de los estudiantes del Barcelona College of Chiropractic


Sé parte de nuestra comunidad de estudiantes

El 88% de nuestra comunidad de estudiantes es internacional.

Sé parte de esta gran comunidad y fórmate junto a grandes profesionales en quiropráctica.
¡Nuestros estudiantes están cambiando vidas alrededor el mundo!

Conviértete en un profesional inspirador

Los estudiantes del BCC hablan de su experiencia en la escuela

Zarak, 4th year

“They keep chiropractic pure. If you’re passionate about chiropractic and you want to learn pure chiropractic, this is the only place in Europe to be”

Sarah, 4th year

“I can only recommend it. The philosophy of chiropractic is getting lost in many colleges but not in Barcelona. The students are all together and because it’s international, it’s like a big family. I love it!”

Alessia, 5th year

“My experience here at the BCC has been amazing so far. I’m really wishing to go out there, give it all my best and be a really great chiropractor”

Mathieu, 4th year

“What I really love about BCC is the freedom they give you to learn about many aspects of chiropractic and also their respect of the original philosophy that they have. The city also is amazing, you got the mountain, the sea, amazing weather and a lot of opportunities for seminars, you don’t have to fly to other countries. I can only recommend 2000% the BCC. Come join us!”

Empieza tu carrera profesional en quiropráctica

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